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Please pay for any extra items you purchase on your own.

Please refer to the store selling the items for the prices.

・You cannot use a credit card.
There are no duty free shops at the places we will go to.


We will not be responsible for any trouble between fellow travelers. Thank you for your understanding.

We will not be responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged valuables during the trip.

Because we are not responsible for accidents like lost or forgotten valuables, please take care of anything you bring with you.


Troubles with other travelers

 Please take care of your valuables

 Please take care of your valuables

(With the travel plan being free of charge, there are conditions that do not apply.)

※For this tour there is no application fee required

※For this tour there is no travel price required.

※For this tour there is no cancellation fee required


1 Applicant-style Tour Contract

  •  Plans for this domestic travel, applicant recruiting, and implementation, will all be conducted by Sakura Kankou (Herein referred to as “our company” or “we”).Participants who take part in this travel tour enter our Applicant-style Tour Contract with our company.

  • Applicant-style Tour Contract information and conditions include conditions listed in the course, the tour condition booklet we give you when you apply, the final itinerary we give you before we start the tour, and our company`s tour business agreements (Section of the Applicant-style Tour Contract)


2 Applying for the tour and completing the contract

  • A traveler who wishes to apply for our Package Tour Contract shall fill in the necessary information on the application form as designated by us , and shall submit it to us together with the required application fee as specified separately by us.The application fee shall be treated as part of the tour price, may become a cancellation charge, or may be used as a penalty charge for breach of contract.

  • Applications can only be done on our homepage.The contract is not yet satisfied at the time of application.After we notify the participants we selected,Starting from the day after the request of the contract, we will receive the application and application fee within 3 days.If the application and application fee is not submitted within this time, then the entire application will be treated as void.

  • Application fee(Per person)0 yen

  • According to the communication contract, the tour contract is not entered until we send out a notification of acceptance. However, in the case of notification by email, then the contract will be entered once the notification reaches the applicant.


3 Travel Fee Payment

We will receive payment for the travel fee 7 days or more before the day before the tour start date. In case of application after the 7 days before mark, then we will receive payment upon application.


4 Tour conductor・Itinerary management

  •  A tour conductor will not accompany the tour

  • Trips that are not accompanied by a tour conductor have our company`s contact information specified in the final itinerary (including the guidebook).

5 Minimum number of people for tour: 10 people

6 In case of trip cancellation

In the circumstances that the minimum number of participants specified in the pamphlet is not reached, then we may have to cancel the trip.In the circumstances that the trip is cancelled for lack of participants, we will contact you 7 days or more before the day before the start of the tour, and fully refund the travel fees. (3 days before if a one day trip)



7 What is and is not included in the travel fee

  • Transportation fees, cost for meals, and sales tax and other taxes specified in the itinerary listed in the pamphlet are included.

  • Transportation fees, miscellaneous fees, as well as personal expenses not listed in the itinerary are not included.

8 Cancellation by the customer (Cancellation Fee) 

  • Customers can have the cancellation fee determined (per person) and cancel the contract at any time.We will subtract and receive the cancellation fee from the tour fee (or application fee) as payment.If the application fee does not cover the cancellation fee, then we will charge for the difference.






  • The cancellation day counts as the day the customer notifies us of their cancellation of the contract with our company during our business hours and day.

  • In the case of the customer changing the departure day, course, or lodgings due to their circumstances, the above mentioned cancellation fees still apply.


9 Privacy Policy

  • Our company, as well as the stores and establishments aforementioned below taking care of the travelers that receive personal information from the tour application, will utilize that personal information within a needed extent in order to perform acknowledged services, make contact, ship items, and set up other services such as preparation of lodgings.

  • Our company, our affiliate companies (For a list of company names please reference the home page) or other stores or establishments,
    1. Information on the handling of merchandise and other services
    2. Requests for opinions, impressions, surveys
    3. Use of personal information for the drawing of data and statistics

  • For more information on our handling of personal information, visit our homepage


10 Terms of Travel and Travel Fee Criteria

The terms of travel are based from April 1st, 2014.Travel fees are based off of current fares and regulations in effect as of April 1st, 2014.Cancellations and changes are taken care of during business hours. Any cancellations or changes made outside of business hours are handled the next business day.

※1:In cases where the contract is cancelled after the start of the tour or the Traveler does not participate in the Tour without notice (no call no show).

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